
10,4 KG TABT ØGET MUSKELMASSE REDUCERET FEDT Bo Succes historier Vi kan bestemt opnå nogle imponerende resultater sammen! Men jeg er egentligt mest stolt af de reviews & daglige beskeder jeg får fra mine klienter. De fleste coaches kan hjælpe dig med at opnå flotte resultater her og nu, men de færreste kan samtidig hjælpe […]


12 KG TABT NYE SUNDE VANER FORLØB FOR FAMILIEN René Hej Kenneth! Tusind tak, for et rigtig godt trænings- og kostforløb, det har virkelig hjulpet. Min mand har tabt 12 kg og jeg fik tonet kroppen som jeg ønskede, og smed 3 kg. Vi sluttede vores program for 6 mdr. siden og har virkelig fået […]

Anders Peter

– 6 KG ØGET MUSKELMASSE REDUCERET KROPSFEDT Anders Peter Har været igennem online forløb på 12 uger. Virkelig overrasket over udbyttet i forhold til de små justeringer Kenneth lavede – syntes ikke jeg ændrede min livsstil særlig meget (kosten var lige til og krævede ikke ekstra tid) og fik fornyet energi. Under forløbet ønskede jeg […]


-1,1 KG ØGET MUSKELMASSE REDUCERET KROPSFEDT Anthony In the first session Kenneth undertook a full assessment to get the best understand of my current situation and my goals. The training has been hard, but he knows when to push you and when to ease it a bit. He is professional, very knowledgeable and a nice […]


– 10 KG ØGET MUSKELMASSE REDUCERET KROPSFEDT Dominic Kenneth helped me get lean for my summer holiday 2017. I have had a few personal trainers before but I must admit that Kenneth has been the best. Besides the 2 training sessions a week, he made a clear plan for me to follow. The training is […]


– 14,2 KG + 2 KG REN MUSKELMASSE HELT NYT ENERGINIVEAU Umit Kenneth is the best trainer I ever had. After a month training I recommended him to my family and friends, who are now also training with him now. I cannot recommend this guy highly enough. He is very professional, motivating, passionate, easy to […]


I SIT LIVS FORM ØGET MUSKELMASSE REDUCERET KROPSFEDT Roberto It´s Been Amazing! The entire course has been really good, consistent and we have a good routine. To be honest it was really hard in the beginning, and many time I just wanted to quit. But when you start to see the result you just want […]